Proctology Sicknesses of all kinds and degrees distract sufferers from their work and life because of the painful and distressing symptoms. But scientists in recent years have developed many techniques and methods for treating anal diseases such as (Doppler – Laser – Vaaft), and here is a list of anal diseases, including hemorrhoids, fistula, hair bags and others. With a detailed explanation of its symptoms, methods of prevention, and the latest treatment methods:
Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Pilonidal Sinus
Perianal Abscess
Rectal prolapse
Faecal incontinence
Anal Warts
Anal Cancer
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Rectal Bleeding
Anal itching
Proctology sicknesses are all treated by Dr. Khaldoun in his clinics, you need to make sure to visit a doctor with Proctology specialist incase if you feel any related symptoms, some patients come immediately to consult the doctor after facing one or few symptoms, while many other ignored the symptoms for days, weeks, and months.
As a result, the person who does not review the Proctology specialist immediately after facing something wrong related to the Anal (Blooding, Pain, Smell, Color) are risking himself incase the sickness developed to advanced situation.
Watch Doctor Khaldoun Ghareeb video advices about this 13 diseases on TikTok, the list of the 13 sicknesses are down in the footer.